Doubt and decision

Untuk kesekian kalinya
Kau ditemukan lagi dengan persimpangan
Yang memerlukan pilihan
Ke kiri atau ke kanan?
Diberi sifir di dalam kehidupan
Bahawa berhenti di simpang itu
Tidak boleh berlama lama--

"Apabila seseorang di antara kamu ditimpa keluh kesah dalam menetapkan sesuatu perkara; maka berwudhulah dan bersolatlah dua rakaat sunnah seraya berdoalah dengan doa istikharah"

We always asked where is the god-sent answer, it doesnt seem to be there; obvious and clear. In the end of the day, you will be forced to move, whether you are ready or not, you've got to go. And that just mean-- you have to choose your path. Little that we know, that is the answer. For whatever choice you have chosen or for however decisive you are; you still will regret your own decision at some point of life. And when that comes, acceptance will be the only way of calming yourself. Just accept that this is your best and all you have to do is to make it worth in the end. No one knows their future, diyan. As you will forget, remind yourself that prayers are not just to be made when you are in doubt but as well when you have made a choice. You have a lot to ask for-- a stronger you, a blessed journey, and of course-- a worthy end.



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